მოდით გამოფენაზე და გამოიყენეთ საზღვარგარეთ სწავლის შესაძლებლობა
Venue: The Plaza Tirana
Date: 1 მარტი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: TBA
Date: 2 მარტი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: Pullman Hotel
Date: 15 მარტი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv
Date: 22 მარტი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: Hilton Baku
Date: 5 აპრილი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: Hilton Baku
Date: 5 აპრილი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: ინტერკონტინენტალური სასტუმრო ტაშკენტი
Date: 12 აპრილი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: Marriott Casablanca
Date: 10 მაისი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Venue: TBA
Date: 11 მაისი 2025
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
შეუერთდით 250 000-ზე მეტ სტუდენტს მოდით გამოფენაზე და გამოიყენეთ საზღვარგარეთ სწავლის შესაძლებლობა
Thank you very much Study Care because it was the biggest help for me that I got my Master studies at the University of the West of England, in the UK. I am very grateful to the Study Care staff for this wonderful study opportunity, because thanks to their support and work I was able to start my studies in Britain. I suggest you all choose to study in the UK because it is the best opportunity to become successful.
მეტის ნახვაChoosing the right college and the right degree firstly was a very difficult choice for me. However, with the the help of the experts of the Study Care, I'am sure that I have made the right choice for my further education
მეტის ნახვაI thank StudyCare for helping me realize my desire to study Electrical Engineering in London.
მეტის ნახვაTo have an academic experience abroad has been my biggest dream but I had a lack of information and I did not know where to start. Thanks to StudyCare and the professionalism of my agent Cindy, my dream came true.
მეტის ნახვაFinally my dream to study abroad came true and this would not have been possible without the help of Study Care. I want to thank Boren for her tireless work and I would suggest to all students to choose Study Care
მეტის ნახვაI have always dreamed of studying abroad and StudyCare made that possible. Thanks to Amanda's work and commitment, who very patiently helped me in every step, I'm now studying in London at my desired university.
მეტის ნახვაYou do not have to worry about studying abroad. StudyCare gives you the consultancy and help you need to achieve this success. Thanks to the tireless work of this wonderful staff I can now study in the UK. Thanks StudyCare.
მეტის ნახვაGoing to study abroad and at the best university is difficult due to the many procedures, but with the consultancy of all the girls who helped me in every moment from the selection of the university in London to obtaining the visa, the process was exciting , easy and safe I thank Study Care for being by my side and I wish success to the girls and all the other students who have helped. With love Stelina
მეტის ნახვაThank you StudyCare for the excellent work and for achieving my student goal
მეტის ნახვაThank you StudyCare for the assistance from the application process to the visa process.
მეტის ნახვაI'm very thankful of StudyCare Fairs, They made everything easier for me to study and live in my dream city - Los Angeles.
მეტის ნახვაI am pleased that a process as important as that of applying to university I entrust Study Care. With dedication and professionalism, my desire to study in the UK was successfully realized!
მეტის ნახვაFor any person who wants to study abroad but does not know where to start, StudyCare is the right solution!
მეტის ნახვაXhojana, thank you very much for your support and the tireless work you have done throughout this journey and was successfully finalized. all that work was worth it too the commitment you have made together with all the staff of StudyCare. Only gratitude!!
მეტის ნახვაThank you StudyCare for the assistance from the application process to the visa process.
მეტის ნახვაThanks to StudyCare my way of studying abroad became easier thanks to the successfully finalized application! An extraordinary dedication of my agent Cindy who with her professionalism took every step at the right time. I suggest you all StudyCare as the number one consultant!
მეტის ნახვაAnano Shelia, From Georgia.1 st year student in EU Business School Barcelona, faculty of Tourism & Leisure management. I would like to tell you a little bit about this team, that is really helpful and supports young people to fulfill their goals. StudyCare Fairs helped me in whole process of applying my favourite university absolutely for free, moreover they are providing assistance in visa procedures. Highly recommended, you can absolutely trust them, without hesitation.❤️
მეტის ნახვაFinally my dream to study abroad came true and this would not have been possible without the help of Study Care. I want to thank Boren for her tireless work and I would suggest to all students to choose Study Care
მეტის ნახვაProbably the best company which helps you to go abroad to your dream University. SUPER friendly staff, they are making the enrolment process comfortable for each student.
მეტის ნახვაTaking fundamental step in my future, like applying in the most prestigious universities in USA, I could only trust it to StudyCare. Their commitment, calm and record timing in completing every procedure is admirable. Thanks to StudyCare I am already studying at Adelphi University in New York. StudyCare got an A+ from me, now it's my turn to get the A-s.
მეტის ნახვაStudyCare International Education Fairs - 2017 წლიდან აორგანიზებს ყველაზე პრესტიჟული უნივერსიტეტების გამოფენებს სტუდენტებისათვის, აზერბაიჯანში (ბაქო), საქართველოსა (თბილისი) და ალბანეთში (ტირანა) და გააჩნია 15 წელზე მეტი გამოცდილება საგანმანათლებლო სფეროში.
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